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Herberich Students Collected Items for One of a Kind Pet Rescue

At Herberich Primary School, students are encouraged to show kindness to others through words and actions. Intervention Specialist Carrie Roseberry and her classroom staff decided to involve the entire school community in a special project to showcase how truly caring Herberich is!

The five students from her special needs class joined forces with fourth grade student council members to collect donations for One of a Kind Pet Rescue, sorting and keeping track of the total number of items donated each day.

Overall, there were 150 towels, 57 blankets and 83 containers of cat/dog treats that were collected throughout the two-week drive and delivered to One of a Kind Pet Rescue in early March, with time taken to also visit the furry friends who live there.

While Roseberry already knew she worked with a wonderful community of caring and compassionate staff and students, she was still surprised by their generosity.

“The response has been amazing,” she said. “We had to put up another table to hold all of the donations, which is so cool!”

Through this admirable initiative, Herberich Primary students learned valuable lessons about lending a helping hand and providing much-needed items to some very deserving animals!


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