Copley Music Booster Patrons
Become a Music Booster Patron - donate online today!
If your employer matches your donation, we'd greatly appreciate it! Email us.
Tom Campbell, CHS 1972: $100
Platinum Composer Circle
Doug & Lisa Hiwiller (2024-2025)
Monique and Michael Binkley (2024-2025)
Rebecca, Micah, and Kelly Baird (2024-2025)
The Renner Family (2024-2025)
The Rojas Family (2024-2025)
The Ross Family (2024-2025)
Laura and Gil Hart (2024-2025)The Estephan Family (2024-2025)
Wendy and Greg Chambers (2024-2025)
The Jones Family and SSB Performance (2024-2025)
Gold Maestro Guild
Matt and Bethany Saris Family (2024-2025)
Megan and Kurt Kleidon (2024-2025)
The Greene Family (2024-2025)The Komlanc Family (2024-2025)
Stephen and Erin Myers (2024-2025)
Donald Manby (2024-2025)
Silver Treble Clef Club
Alix Vernon (2024-2025)
Barbara & Paul Hinderegger (2024-2025)
Gary and Nola Ginter (2024-2025)
Matt and Brittany Gurtzweiler (2024-2025)
Teresa and Earl Begley (2024-2025)Palmer Family (2024-2025)
Bronze Bass Clef Club
Donald and Leslie Baird (2024-2025)
The Yensho Family (2024-2025)Chris Kramer (2024-2025)
Meghan Doran (2024-2025)
Star Student Patron
Katherine Baird (2024-2025)
Past Patrons
Platinum Composer Circle
Brandon Jordan (2023-24)
The Ross Family (2023-24)
Doug & Lisa Hiwiller (2023-24)
The Arthur Family (2023-24)
Jeff & Michelle Neuhauser (2023-24)
Kuppusamy Family (2023-24)
Nathan & Kathy Blice (2023-24)
Rebecca, Micah, and Kelly (2023-24)
SSB Performance and the Jones Family (2023-24)
Stephanie Estephan (2023-24)
Ted Traut (2023-24)
Terry and Aretha Ashby (2023-24)
The Knoblock Family (2023-24)Wendy & Greg Chambers (2023-24)
The Renner Family (2022-23)
Don Malarcik (2022-23)
Ingersoll Family (2022-23)
The Stoner Family (2022-23)
Michael and Monique Binkley (2022-23)
Michelle Rojas (2022-23)
Peanut (2022-23)
Raymond & Jodi Margie (2022-23)
Rebecca, Micah, Kelly and Mokey Baird (2022-23)
Robin Houston and Jon Hermes (2022-23)
Sapphire Young (2022-23)
Stephanie Estephan (2022-23)
Terry & Aretha Ashby (2022-23)
The Bartley Family (2022-23)
The Davey Tree Expert Company (2022-23)
The Henderson Family (2022-23)
The Hiwiller Family (2022-23)
The Kuppusamy Family (2022-23)
The Traut Family (2022-23)Gold Maestro Guild
Kate Leininger (2023-24)
Kurt and Megan Kleidon (2023-24)
Lee and Sarah Lust (2023-24)
Mathias Labbe (2023-24)
Matt and Bethany Saris Family (2023-24)
Seungbum Lee & Jawon Min (2023-24)
The Bracken Family (2023-24)
The Crooks Family (2023-24)
The Kharis Family (2023-24)Alix and Louis Vernon (2022-23)
Bob & Alice Rote (2022-23)
Candice Komlanc (2022-23)
Ellen Foster (2022-23)
Erin Fenderbosch (2022-23)
G&D Davis (2022-23)
Garner Family (2022-23)
Greg and Paula Meeker (2022-23)
Ingratta Family (2022-23)
Janice Weaver (2022-23)
Jim and Krissy Dies (2022-23)
Matt and Bethany Saris Family (2022-23)
Mesfin Tsige (2022-23)
Michael & Kristina Marias (2022-23)
Scott and Pam Snelling (2022-23)
The Arthur Family (2022-23)
The Riedels (2022-23)Silver Treble Clef Club
Alexa Marinos (2023-24)
David Young (2023-24)
Earl Lipscomb (2023-24)
Fred & Kristy Himmelreich (2023-24)
Isaac & Jude Lewis (2023-24)
Jon and Renee Williams and Family (2023-24)
Kimberly Palmer (2023-24)
Komlanc Family (2023-24)
Maria Kramer and family (2023-24)
The Riedels (2023-24)
The Vernon Family (2023-24)
The Wade Family (2023-24)
Tracie Dantonio (2023-24)David & Carla Cremers (2022-23)
Earl Lipscomb (2022-23)
John & Janet Young (2022-23)
Judith Lucas (2022-23)
Kleinheinz/Londraville (2022-23)
Kristine Himmelreich (2022-23)
Lee and Sarah Lust (2022-23)
Megan Kleindon (2022-23)
Paul Levy & Sylvia Chinn-Levy (2022-23)
The Kharis Family (2022-23)
The Reed Family (2022-23)
Todd & Jamie Willis (2022-23)
Twohig family (2022-23)Bronze Bass Clef Club
Andrea Fister (2023-24)
Chris Kramer (2023-24)
Cy McFarlin (2023-24)
Danielle and Tom Thompson (2023-24)
Eldene Moss (2023-24)
Fairlawn City Women's Club (2023-24)
Katie Koontz (2023-24)
Marias Family (2023-24)
Sharon Hewit (2023-24)
Teresa Martter (2023-24)Aaron & Colleen Neal (2022-23)
Chris Kramer (2022-23)
Craig Stitsinger (2022-23)
Jean Luckmeier (2022-23)
Jessica Ford (2022-23)
Julia and Kyeshin Lee (2022-23)
Katie Koontz (2022-23)
Maggie Dunlap (2022-23)
Mark and Sue Deptowicz (2022-23)
Ren Koozer and Nicolette Bartz Koozer (2022-23)
The Gregory Family (2022-23)Star Student Patron
Anna Ziccardi (2023-24)
Evan Kowalczyk (2023-24)
Katy Gregory (2023-24)
Marc Stitsinger (2023-24)
Mark & Sue Deptowicz (2023-24)
Sisko Family (2023-24)
The Husted Family (2023-24)
The Kapusinski Family (2023-24)
The Reed Family (2023-24)
Timothy Towell (2023-24)Anna Ziccardi (2022-23)
"H" Family 7 (2022-23)
Carrie Brown (2022-23)
David & Janet Young (2022-23)
Mary Lou Gault (2022-23)
Rianna Thomas (2022-23)
Sisko family (2022-23)