• Title 1


    The purpose of Title 1 is to provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.  Title 1 services are designed to improve academic outcomes for students who are failing or at risk of failing to meet State standards.  


    How does a district qualify for Title 1 funds?

    Title 1, Part A funds are distributed to school districts based on four distinct funding forumulas as affected by census poverty data.  Districts with a minimum of 10 poverty students and a population of such children that constitutes at least 2% of the district's total child population, based on census poverty figures, are eligible to receive funds.  Districts determine which eligible buildings are to participate based on federal requirements and local decisions.  Districts apply for Title 1 funds annually through the district's Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP).


    Targeted Assistance or Schoolwide?

    Individual buildings within a district are either determined to be Targed Assistance buildings or Schoolwide buildings.  Targeted Assistance buildings must direct services to specific at risk students above and beyond that provided by regular state and local resources.  Schoolwide buildings may use Title 1 funds for schoolwide activities intended to improve outcomes across the entire building.