National School of Excellence
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    See all volunteer opportunities: Join a PTA committee


    Arrowhead PTA is a member of the National Congress of PTAs, the state of Ohio PTA, and the Copley-Fairlawn PTA Council.  Arrowhead PTA has also been named a National PTA School of Excellence for 2021-2023. As such, Arrowhead PTA has the following mission:  
     To be:
    • A powerful voice for all children
    • A relevant resource for families and communities; and
    • A strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child. 

    Anyone may join Arrowhead PTA at any time during the year. The dues are $10.00 per person per year. We encourage membership of every parent as well as any other family or community members.

    Arrowhead PTA is an active organization, providing many volunteer services to our children's school as well as supporting other community, national, and international organizations.

    Also important to the PTA is providing good communication between the school and the home through monthly newsletters, email, the PTA website and special flyers.  PTA membership meetings, open forums and PTA council meetings provide additional opportunities to learn about and communicate with the school.

    While our volunteer hours of service are most vital, PTA also finds it necessary to sponsor fund-raisers to provide event programming, student sponsorship, and supplemental support to our school.

    We hope that you will join Arrowhead PTA and get involved in our many varied activities!

Last Modified on September 2, 2023