Our mission is to transport the students of our district safely and efficiently to and from school while complying with State laws and District policies.

  • Deanna Sutherland
    Director of Transportation
    Phone: (330) 664-4820    

    Amanda Gregory
    Transportation Secretary
    Phone: (330) 664-4874  

    Marcus Popp
    William Steffey
    Phone: (330) 664-4819   


    Stopfinder imageStopfinder is an all-in-on, easy to use app for viewing & sharing your student's transportation schedule. 

    Information regarding bus routes for the upcoming school year will not be available until the 1st week of August.

    What the App Can Do: 

    • View your student's transportation trips and stops
    • Securely share your student's schedule with caregivers
    • Receive notifications and updates related to transportation

    Access Student Schedule

    Access to student schedules is granted only by the Transportation Department.  The primary contact, at their own discretion, may share their student's schedule with caregivers (sub-subscriers).  An invitation to activate your Stopfinder account will be sent via email to authorized contacts only.  Simply download the app from the email and follow the prompts for installation.

    Route Changes

    Each year the Transportation Department evaluates our bus routes from the previous school year, which may prompt adjustments, including consolidating certain stops and routes.  As a result, your student's bus stop location for pickup and drop-off may be different from what it was in the previous school year.  Check your email and StopFinder app for bus stop location and times at the beginning of each school year.  All changes to stops must be made and approved by the Director of Transportation.

    Please Contact Transportation If:

    • You have not received an email invitation to register for Stopfinder
    • You have any questions regarding your student's schedule

    Stopfinder Useful Links:  




    • If you have moved to a new residence, please contact our Board of Education and provide a new proof of residence. 
    • If you have made changes to your babysitter or daycare location, please contact the Transportation Office (Requests must be for five days per week to the same address.) 
    • Students are not permitted to ride buses they are not assigned to ride.  
    • Please help ensure our students safety by stopping for buses with red flashing lights.