• The Title I program is based on an annual assessment of educational needs as determined through multiple data points.   Title I services are provided to all eligible students.

    The Board believes parental involvement is a vital part of the Title I program.  The building principal and staff work with parents of children participating in Title I programs.  Parental involvement and the School-Parent Compact are requirements of Federal and State law.

    Parental involvement includes, but is not limited to, parental contribution to programs under this title, participation by parents in school activities and programs, and training and materials which build parents’ capacity to improve their children’s learning in both the home and the school.  To build a partnership between home and school, the District:

    1. informs the parents of the program, the reasons for their children’s participation and the specific instructional objectives;
    2. trains parents to work with their children to attain instructional objectives;
    3. trains teachers and other staff involved in programs under this title to work effectively with the parents of participating students;
    4. develops partnerships by consulting with parents regularly;
    5. provides opportunities for parents to be involved in the design, operation and evaluation of the program,  and;
    6. provides opportunities for the full participation of parents who lack literacy skills or whose native language is not English.

    Title I funds are used only to augment, not to replace, state and local funds.  The Board uses these funds to provide equivalent or comparable educational services in all schools receiving Title I assistance.

    The District is required to bring students up to a proficient level in reading and mathematics.  Any school that receives Title I funds, and fails to make adequate yearly progress as defined by the State Board of Education two years in a row, is required to offer school choice for students to transfer from the low performing building to a building that is making the required progress.  Among students exercising choice, priority is given to the lowest-achieving students from low income families.




    Bill Kerrigan, Principal