• Senior Information and Upcoming Dates
     Senior Class of 2025

    President: Julian Bearshak
    Vice President: Taylor Williams
    Treasurer: Aliya Estephan
    Secretary: Madison Maxwell
      Advisor:  Kim Carothers
    Text -- @b3fd72 to 81010
    See the INSTAGRAM:
    @ copleyclassof2025
    Join the Google Classroom:
    Class code: o6cx5qb
    Senior Spirit Wear is available at:
    Coming Soon!
    The store will close on TBD.
     Please continue to check here for important dates and information.
    ORDER your Graduation supplies!
    The deadline is TBD.
    1. Go to buckeyescholastic.com
    2. Click on "Shop My School" 
    3. Type in/select Copley High School
    4. Scroll down and click on "Shop All"
    5. **Order the Cap/Gown/Tassel Package - $34.95**
    ** All other items are optional!
    You do NOT have to order anything extra!
    The "mascot" tassel is NOT to be worn at graduation!
    Graduation Supplies will be delivered to the school on
    TBD --- PICK UP
    TBD --- Make EXCHANGES as needed

    May 1@ 1:00 PM Academic Awards (For seniors)

    TBD - Seniors' Last Day

    May 10 - Prom 

    May 10/11 - After Prom 

    TBD - Senior Exams (Only if required)

    May 15, 8:30 AM - Senior Awards Assembly (Invitation Required)

    TBD (plan on spending a few hours especially if you have a speaking part) - Commencement Practice (REQUIRED FOR ALL SENIORS)

    May 18, @2:00 PM - Commencement



    Promenade will take place in the auditorium beginning at approximately 5:45. If you plan to walk the stage, be here on time and line up in the hallway by the band/choir rooms.


     All dates and procedures will be posted as soon as they are determined.

    Link for Prom Meals and Seating

    After-Prom Waiver (participation) Forms
    These MUST be completed to participate in the After-Prom Activities!