• The best way to effect change is a collective common VOICE.

    As a PTSA, we strive to be:

    A POWERFUL Voice for All Children;
    A Relevant Resource for families and communities; and
    A Strong Advocate for the education and well-being of every child.


    Vaping:  Dangerous.  Severe lung disease and deaths reported. Nationally, last year there was a 48 percent rise in vaping among middle-schoolers and a 78 percent increase in vaping among high-schoolers. The Federal Food & Drug Administration data shows 3.62 million US middle and high school students are using e-cigarettes, including 27.5% of high school students in 2019, up from 21% in 2018 and 11.7% in 2017.


    To do: Become familiar with vaping equipment, sales and health consequences.

    Substance abuse: Top 5 substances abused by Teenagers: 1) Marijuana 2) Cocaine 3) Stimulants 4) Pain Killers Prescription Drugs 5) Spice/K2


    To do: Become familiar with substances abused; keep all prescription drugs under lock and key and dispose of them at the Copley Police department 1280 Sunset Drive Copley. Check your teens “storage places” such as purses and drawers periodically.

    Suicide: Suicide is the leading cause of death among children ages 10-14 and the second leading cause for ages 15-34. From 2007 to 2018 the number of suicides among youth ages 10-24 increased by 56%.


    To do: Become familiar with warning signs of depression and suicide. Know the suicide hot line.