At Herberich Primary School we are committed to recognizing the efforts of our community’s veterans and military service members. Additionally, we are committed to supporting the current military connected families whose children attend Herberich Primary School. Whether one of our parents/guardians is currently serving our country as an Active Duty Service Member, National Guard or one of our great countries Reserve components every military connected family has unique needs that require special attention. Our hope is that this page can serve as a starting point for special resources and contact information to get in touch with individuals that understand the unique needs that your family faces. To our military families and community members we extend a sincere thank you for what you do for our country every day.

Military Liaison for Families
For any questions related to the above resources and for how to best navigate Copley High School as a military connected family please contact the Herberich Primary School Military Liaisons listed below.
Bill Kerrigan - bill.kerrigan@copley-fairlawn.org
Audra Bulgrin - audra.bulgrin@copley-fairlawn.org
Sue Pelton - sue.pelton@copley-fairlawn.org
Stacy Mruczkowski - stacy.mruczkowski@copley-fairlawn.org
Michelle Quinlan - michelle.quinlan@copley-fairlawn.org