Degrees and Certifications:
State Competition 2018
April 28, 2018
Students, Coaches, and Parents:
What an exciting year for the Science Olympiad program! I am extremely proud of what has been accomplished over the last seven months. With over sixty students in the program (middle school level (B) and a high school team (C)), we were able to attend three invitationals, regionals, and the state competition. This year we took both a middle school and high school team to the state competition in April. Each year we develop into a stronger and more cohesive program.
I would like to congratulate our Copley Science Olympiad Team for their efforts at the state competition held at The Ohio State this past Saturday. Besides finishing 20th (MS) and 27th (HS) out of the 40 teams in attendance, the following students placed in the top ten in the following events:
Middle School:
9th place: Crime Busters: Bowen Zheng and Opal Londraville
8th place: Microbe Mission: Rachel Stark and Ryan Lee
9th place: Roller Coaster: Izzy Januszewski and Zach Estephan
High School:
8th place: Experimental Design: Cole Hopkins, Cassidy Talsma, Adam Lampner
7th place: Rocks and Minerals: Adam Lampner and Tyler Meeker
Thank you again for all of your time and energy this year. I am already looking forward to next year! Check back in September for information on the 2018-2019 season. We are always looking for coaches :) It is only with the dedication of the students and the unwavering support from our coaches, parents, and volunteers that allows our program to continue to be successful and expand into a strong academic presence.
2018-2019 projected events: