Conflict of Interest



    Copley Fairlawn PTA Council-Conflict of Interest Policy


    Members of Copley-Fairlawn PTA Council (hereafter called Members) serve in a voluntary capacity and owe a duty of honesty and good faith in their dealings with the Copley-Fairlawn PTA Council.  Members must conduct themselves with integrity and honesty and act in the best interest of the Copley-Fairlawn PTA Council.


    Members may not use their relation to the Copley-Fairlawn PTA Council for their own personal gain. Members must avoid conflicts of interest between their duties to the Copley-Fairlawn PTA Council or such Member’s own professional or personal interest.  Full disclosure by a Member of any actual or potential conflict is required by the standard of good faith.  A conflict of interest exists when a Member participates in the deliberation or resolution of an issue important to the Copley-Fairlawn PTA Council while, at the same time, the Member has other professional, business, or volunteer responsibilities outside the Copley-Fairlawn PTA Council that could be affected by the proposed action or inaction of the Copley-Fairlawn PTA Council.


    Member’s Statement on Conflicts of Interest


    In order to avoid any actual or potential conflict of interest, the undersigned Member hereby agrees to abide by the following Conflict of Interest Policy.


    When any actual or potential conflict of interest is known to exist by a Member with respect to any subject requiring action by Copley-Fairlawn PTA Council or any of its committees, that Member shall immediately notify the President or committee chair, as applicable, of such conflict, and that Member shall not participate in the deliberations, shall not vote on the subject, shall not use his or her personal influence, and in those cases where the quorum of the meeting called for the purpose of voting on the subject has not yet been established, the Member shall not be counted in determining the existence of quorum.


    If excluded from voting because of a known actual or potential conflict of interest, a Member may, but shall not be obligated to, briefly state the nature of the conflict and may if requested, but shall not be obligated to, answer pertinent questions of other Members when that Member’s knowledge of the subject might assist the other Members.  The Members may request that a Member thus excluded from voting on a subject leave the meeting temporarily while the subject is debated and voted upon.


    The minutes of the meeting shall reflect that a disclosure was made, that the Member who stated a known actual or potential conflict of interest did abstain from voting, and, in those cases where the quorum was not already established, that the Member was not counted in determining the existence of a quorum.


    President’s Signature______________________________ Date__________________

    Executive Board Signatures: