Degrees and Certifications:
Akron Regional 2016
Science Olympiad Team,
Congratulations on a very successful season! You all worked so hard and deserve all the pride and glory that you felt at the Akron Regional Competition. All 41 participants represented Copley-Fairlawn proudly with their determination, dedication, and academic aptitude. I am consistently in awe of your abilities.
Below you will find a list of each teams individual top ten accomplishments. Overall, Copley-Fairlawn earned a 2nd, 7th, and 10th place finish at the Akron Regional Competition.
Thank you to all the coaches, parents, custodians, and administration for your commitment over the last seven months. It is only with your support and dedication to the students that they are able to succeed. I know they are as grateful as I am.
Middle School Division B:
Overall Place at the Akron Regional Competition: Team A: 2nd Team B: 7th
Air Trajectory: 9th Max Brozeit and Riley Meeker
10th Natalie Vrobel and Tim Vrobel
Anatomy: 2nd Jasmine Walker and Hannah Oldham
10th Rachel Stark and Ryan Lee
Bioprocess: 4th Jasmine Walker and Josh Hertz
9th Jerry Talsma and Opal Londraville
Bottle Rockets: 5th Riley Meeker and Max Brozeit
7th Karl Brozeit and Abhi Medapati
Bridge Building: 8th Riley Meeker and Amanda Hohenshil
4th Tim Vrobel and Natalie Vrobel
Crave the Wave: 5th Jun Sun and Hannah Potts
6th Austin Bian and Amara Abdoulkarim
Crime Busters: 10th Dina Bayachou and Binnaz Shiak
Dynamic Planet: 1st William Yang and Jun Sun
Elastic Launch Glider: 1st William Yang and AJ Lampner
3rd Ian Loose and Ryan Lee
Experimental Design: 1st Amanda Hohenshil, Sophia Paudel, and AJ Lampner
9th Zach Estephan, Karl Brozeit, and Rebecca Stark
Food Science: 7th Marinna Hill and Jun Sun
6th Rebecca Stark and Amara Abdoulkarim
Fossils: 1st AJ Lampner and Hannah Potts
3rd Zach Estephan and Ian Loose
Green Generation: 5th Riley Meeker and Sophia Paudel
Invasive Species: 3rd Amanda Hohenshil and Maz Brozeit
9th Austin Bian and Sam Poole
Meteorology: 10th Riley Meeker and Daniel Garner
4th Rachel Stark and Amara Abdoulkarim
Picture This: 6th AJ Lampner and Josh Hertz
3rd Karl Brozeit and Rebecca Stark
Reach for the Stars: 4th Amanda Hohneshil and Jasmine Walker
Road Scholar: 1st Binnaz Shiak and AJ Lampner
Scrambler: 8th Jasmine Walker and Amanda Hohesnhil
6th Caden Labbe and Ian Loose
Wind Power: 1st Jun Sun and William Yang
2nd Caden Labbe and Jerry Talsma
Write it Do it: 8th AJ Lampner and Binnaz Shiak
4th Rebecca Stark and Jerry Talsma
Congratulations Ian Loose, Ryan Lee, Amara Abdoulkarim, Karl Brozeit, Sam Poole, Rebecca Stark, Tim Vrobel, Rachel Stark, Natalie Vrobel, Caden Labbe, Austin Bian, Zach Estephan, Opal Londraville, Abhi Medapati, and Jerry Talsma on your amazing performance at the competition!
The following middle school students qualified to attend the Science Olympiad State Competition at The Ohio State University on April 9th 2016: Hannah Oldham, Jasmine Walker, Hannah Potts, Amanda Hohenshil, William Yang, Josh Hertz, Binnaz Shiak, Marinna Hill, AJ Lampner, Jun Sun, Max Brozeit, Daniel Garner, Sophia Paudel, Dina Bayachou, and Riley Meeker
High School Division C:
Overall Place at the Akron Regional Competition: 10th
Air Trajectory: 5th place Tyler Meeker and Chase Fickes
Chem Lab: 5th Place Cameron Green and Aaron Lampner
Disease Detectives: 9th Place Lauren Elicker and Sophie Weeks
Electric Vehicle: 7th Place: Jack Ruch and Cameron Green
Experimental Design: 1st Place Cassidy Talsma, Cole Hopkins, Allison Hohenshil
Fossils: 1st Place Aaron Lampner and Tyler Meeker
Game On: 3rd Place Sophie Weeks and Cassidy Talsma
Green Generation: Audrey Milligan and Cassidy Talsma
Hydrogeology: 8th Place Jack Ruch and Aaron Lampner
Invasive Species: 7th Place Allison Hohenshil and Cassidy Talsma
It’s About Time: 10th Place Jack Ruch and Cole Hopkins
Wind Power: 1st Place Jack Ruch and Cameron Green
This is the first year (in many years) for the Science Olympiad Team at the high school. It is with pleasure that I am able to share these amazing results which represent the academic talents of these students. In only three months and with only eleven students, they were able to compete with the top schools in the region. I am extremely proud of this talented group of high school students. I am looking forward to supporting their desire to learn and compete within the Science Olympiad program.
The following students should be recognized for their accomplishments this past weekend:
Jack Ruch, Cameron Green, Aaron Lampner, Cole Hopkins, Tyler Meeker, Chase Fickes, Lauren Elicker, Sophie Weeks, Allison Hohenshil, Cassidy Talsma, and Audrey Milligan.
While most of the information in conveyed via the Science Olympiad Website, I have decided to start a Remind Text for Science Olympiad (if you are interested)
Send your text to 81010
81010 is the Remind short code we created so people can join the class
Text the message @3SOCFCS
This is the class code for Science Olympiad. Students and parents can always use 3SOCFCS to join this class.
I am VERY thankful that I am able to work with such talented students and supportive parents. You continue to amaze me!
Thank you all for a wonderful season!
Jen Rieger