

Degrees and Certifications:

Akron Regionals

Students, Parents, and Coaches:

I would like to congratulate the Copley-Fairlawn Middle School Science Olympiad Teams for their Tenth Place and First Place finish at the Akron Regional Tournament. 

The students competed against the top schools in the Akron area and did exceptionally well earning medals in the following events; 

Air Trajectory (2nd place): Tyler and Chase

Anatomy and Physiology (4th place): Jasmine and Simon

Bioprocess Lab (2nd place): Jasmine and Lauren

Bottle Rocket (6th place): Riley and Audrey

Bridge Building (4th and 2nd place): Jerry and Anthony, Riley and Amanda

Can't Judge a Powder (2nd and 1st place): Dina and Ian, Lauren and Ben

Crave the Wave (1st place): Audrey and Tyler

Crime Busters (3rd place): Dina and Binnaz

Disease Detectives (4th place): Lauren and Simon

Dynamic Planet (2nd place): William and Chase

Elastic Launch Glider (6th and 2nd place): Ian and Max, William and AJ

Entomology (1st place): Simon and Cassidy

Experimental Design (1st place): Cassidy, Amanda, and Allison

Fossils (3rd and 1st place): Hannah P and Max, William and AJ

Meteorology (1st place): Tyler and Allison

Picture This (1st place): Cole, Lauren and AJ

Road Scholar (2nd place): AJ and Ben

Simple Machines (5th place): Cole and Riley

Solar System (1st place):Jamsine and Allison

Wheeled Vehicle (4th and 3rd place): Clay and Max, Jasmine and Amanda

Write it Do it (1st place): Allison and AJ



Congratulations to every member of the regional teams and the entire Science Olympiad Team! With the first place finish, we have earned a place at the Science Olympiad State Tournament at the Ohio State University April 11, 2015.  

An enormous THANK YOU goes out to all of the parents, volunteers, and coaches who have provided countless hours running practices, helping with events, and supporting our students. 

Thank you again!