• Special Education

    The Copley-Fairlawn City Schools provides high-quality, free and appropriate public education (FAPE) and related services to students with disabilities, ages 3-22. Services are provided in accordance with each student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) and allow students to be taught alongside their nondisabled peers to the maximum extent possible.
    Evaluation Team Reports are coordinated by licensed School Psychologists and licensed Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) for any child ages 3 years old to 22 years old who is a resident of the district and is suspected if having a disability. Evaluations follow the format set forth by the Ohio Department of Education, Office for Exceptional Children. These educational assessments are designed to assess the child's current levels of performance in order to determine whether the child has a disability which requires specialized instruction.  Students meeting eligibilty criteria are found to be eligible under one or more of the following disability categories:
    • Autism
    • Intellecutal Disability
    • Deaf-Blindness
    • Hearing Impaired
    • Emotional Disability
    • Multiple Disability
    • Orthopedic Impairment
    • Other Health Impairment
    • Specific Learning Disability
    • Speech Language Impairment
    • Traumatic Brain Injury
    • Visual Impairment
    Continuum of Services
    A full continuum of programs and services are available to students with disabilities who attend the Copley-Fairlawn City Schools. Students receive special education and related services in their neighborhood school unless the students' needs can not be successfully and appropriately met in that school. If that situation the district reserves the right to provide services in another building in the district. In addition, some programs are available through cooperative placements with neighboring school districts. All programs and services that are required to provide the student with a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) are provided at no cost to the family through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) specifically designed to meet the individual child's unique needs.


    Ohio Department of Education Special Education Class Action Lawsuit: Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement   Read Notice