• PTA Making a Difference


    The Herberich Primary School Parent Teacher Association needs your help to follow the mission of the National PTA organization:


    A powerful voice for all children,

    A relevant resource for families and communities; and

    A strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.


    Please join the Herberich PTA in the coming school year and help us continue to give our children the best school experience possible.

    Anyone can join: parents, grandparents, friends, etc.

    Our voices together can make a difference and the larger our group, the louder our voice.


    Becoming a member of PTA does not mean you are committing to anything, but it does give you the choice to vote on important issues. There are many different ways you can help your children and this school and JOINING is the first step. You can join at https://herberich.givebacks.com/store