• BOE HEader
  • Meeting Procedures
    The Copley-Fairlawn Board of Education welcomes and encourages citizens and school staff to attend its meetings. Time is provided at all regular monthly board meetings for questions and concerns from the public.

    The Board of Education regularly meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. (dates subject to change).  All regular meetings are open to the public and news media.

    Executive Sessions
    Ohio law permits the Board to hold executive sessions during their meetings. During these sessions the Board may discuss personnel matters, purchase of property for public purposes, pending or imminent court action, negotiations with employees, matters to be kept confidential by federal law or state statutes, and specialized details of security arrangements. Executive sessions are for discussion only. The Board may take no formal action during executive sessions.

    Board Action
    The Board has no authority to act outside of an open session at an officially called meeting. When an item comes before the Board in the form of a motion, it is necessary that a majority of votes in favor of the motion be cast for the Board to act.

    The Board has complete and final authority over local school matters subject only to limitations imposed by state law or regulation, and the will of the local residents as expressed in district elections.

    The Superintendent prepares all agendas for meetings of the Board. Items of business may be suggested by any Board member, staff member, or citizen of the district. All items on the agenda must be submitted to the Superintendent prior to the board meeting at the discretion of the Board President and/or Superintendent. Topics introduced after the agenda is prepared for a regular meeting are not subject to Board action unless an emergency situation exists and such action is specifically within the Board's domain.